Subaru Impreza WRX STi Gift Car in Forza Horizon 2... but what FOR?!!
Checkmate: Fall of the Wall TPB | - | 7.5 |
Ex Machina Vol.1: The First Hundred Days TPB | - | 8.1 |
Superman: Camelot Falls Vol. 1 & 2 TPB | - | 4.7 |
Joker OGN | - | 7.4 |
Superman: 3-2-1 Action! TPB | - | 3.2 |
Justice League of America: The Lightning Saga HC | - | 8.5 |
Flash, The Fastest Man Alive: Full Throttle TPB | - | 6.5 |
Wolverine: Weapon X TPB | - | 8.9 |
Amazons Attack! HC | - | 4.0 |
Captain America: The Death of Captain America Vol.2 HC | - | 9.4 |
The All New Atom: Future/Past TPB | - | 7.9 |
Batman: Batman & Son TPB | - | 6.9 |
Checkmate: Pawn Breaks TPB | - | 7.8 |
JSA: The Next Age HC | - | 7.5 |
Thor Vol.1 HC | - | 8.8 |
Uncanny X-Men: Divided We Stand TPB | - | 7.9 |
Wolverine: Get Mystique TPB | - | 8.7 |
Cable: Messiah War HC | - | 4.6 |
X-Factor: The Only Game In Town HC | - | 7.7 |
X-Men: Divided We Stand TPB | - | 4.8 |
Wonder Woman: Love & Murder HC | - | 4.6 |
All Star Superman Vol.2 HC | - | 9.8 |
Superman: Last Son HC | - | 9.2 |
Green Arrow: Road to Jericho TPB | - | 4.8 |
Green Lantern: Wanted Hal Jordan TPB | - | 8.9 |
Justice League of America: The Tornado's Path HC | - | 5.8 |
Batman: Detective TPB | - | 8.5* |
The Brave & The Bold: The Lords of Luck HC | - | 9.3 |
Wonder Woman: Who is Wonder Woman? HC | - | 3.6 |
Amazing Spider-man: Brand New Day Vol.1 HC | - | 9.7 |
The All New Atom: My Life in Miniature TPB | - | 9.1 |
Superman: Back in Action TPB | - | 8.5 |
Superman/Batman: Enemies Among Us HC | - | 7.4 |
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns TPB | - | 8.8 |
Crisis Aftermath: Battle for Blüdhaven TPB | - | 2.8 |
Checkmate: A King's Game TPB | - | 7.5 |
Silver Surfer: Reqiuem HC | - | 9.3 |
All-Star Superman Vol.1 HC | - | 9.4 |
Fantastic Four: Unstable Molecules TPB | - | 9.2 |
Marvel Zombies TPB | - | 8.8 |
Gotham Central HC1 Story: Half a Life | - | 9.8 |
Criminal: Lawless TPB | - | 8.0 |
Daredevil: Yellow HC | - | 8.2 |
Wolverine: Origin TPB | - | 7.8 |
Bendis Daredevil Omnibus HC | - | 9.7 |
Green Arrow: Crawling Through the Wreckage TPB | - | 3.2 |
Batman: Face the Face TPB | - | 7.7 |
Superman: Up, Up and Away TPB | - | 7.4 |
52 + World War III TPBs | - | 9.2 |
Daredevil: Born Again HC | - | 9.7 |
Wolverine Vol.1 TPB | - | 8.5 |
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life TPB | - | 9.6 |
Deadpool: Secret Invasion HC | - | 6.4 |
Thunderbolts: Secret Invasion HC | - | 8.9 |
Incredible Hercules: Secret Invasion HC | - | 8.2 |